1. What are the benefits of using copper and brass utensils in cooking?
Copper and brass are excellent conductors of heat, which means they heat up quickly and distribute heat evenly. This property allows for precise temperature control while cooking, leading to better results. Additionally, copper and brass have natural antimicrobial properties, which can help prevent the growth of harmful bacteria.

2. Is it safe to cook or store food directly in a copper vessel?
No, it is not safe to cook or store food directly in a copper vessel. Copper can react with certain foods and leach harmful substances into the food. To ensure safety, all our copper vessels are coated with food-grade tin, creating a protective barrier between the copper and the food.

3. Can uncoated Brass utensils be used to store dry foods?

Yes, uncoated Brass utensils are safe and suitable for storing dry foods. Brass is a natural material that does not react with dry ingredients and provides a secure storage solution for items like grains, pulses, and spices. However, it's important to note that for cooking or storing hot and acidic foods, such as tomatoes or tamarind-based dishes, it is recommended to use Brass utensils that have been tin-coated. The tin-coating acts as a protective barrier, preventing any chemical reactions between the Brass and acidic ingredients, ensuring food safety and preserving the natural flavors.

4. Are copper and brass utensils safe to use for cooking and eating?
Yes, copper and brass utensils are safe to use for cooking and eating. However, our copper cookware is always lined with a non-reactive metal like tin to prevent copper from leaching into food, which can be harmful in large quantities.

5. How do I clean my copper and brass utensils?
To clean copper and brass utensils, simply use a mixture of salt and lemon or tamarind or vinegar and scrub with a soft sponge or cloth. For tough stains, you can use a commercial copper cleaner. Brass can be cleaned in a similar manner, but it is important to avoid abrasive cleaners that can scratch the surface.

6. Can I use copper and brass utensils on an induction stove?
No, copper and brass are not magnetic, and therefore cannot be used on induction stoves, which require magnetic cookware to function.

7. Is it necessary to season my copper and brass cookware?
It is ready to use and does not require seasoning.

8. How do I remove tarnish from my copper and brass utensils?
To remove tarnish from copper and brass utensils, use a mixture of salt and vinegar or lemon and baking soda. Scrub the tarnished areas with a soft sponge or cloth until the tarnish is removed.

9. What is the difference between copper and brass utensils?
Copper utensils are made of pure copper, while brass utensils are made of a combination of copper and zinc. Brass is typically less expensive than copper, but it is not as good of a conductor of heat.

10. Can brass utensils be used for cooking acidic foods?
Yes, our tin-coated brass utensils can be used for cooking acidic foods.

11. Are there any foods that should not be cooked in copper utensils?
No, our products are tin coated and are suitable for all kinds of foods.

12. How do I know if my copper and brass utensils need to be re-tinned?
If you notice that the lining of your copper cookware is beginning to wear off or if you see copper showing through the lining, it is time to have it re-tinned.

13. How long do copper and brass utensils last?
Copper and brass utensils can last for many years with proper care. The lifespan can depend on the thickness of the metal, how often it is used, and how well it is maintained.

14. Can copper and brass utensils be used in the dishwasher?
The utensils are dishwasher safe, but it is not recommended to put copper or brass utensils in the dishwasher as the harsh detergents and high temperatures can damage the metal and cause tarnishing.

15. Do copper and brass utensils react with food?
No, our tin-coated utensils do not react with food.

16. Can copper and brass utensils be used for serving cold food?
Yes, copper and brass utensils can be used for serving cold food. However, it is important to note that the metal can conduct heat, so it is best to avoid leaving cold food in copper or brass utensils for extended periods of time.

17. How do I store my copper and brass utensils?
To store copper and brass utensils, it is best to hang them or place them on a shelf to avoid scratching or damage. It is important to keep them dry and avoid stacking them, which can lead to dents or scratches.